Mobile App Design or User Interface (UI) has come a long way. From tacky button phones to the touch interface, mobile app design has always surprised with its fabulous potential to vow the users with the possibility of various gestures and ideas that can be implemented in one small palm-sized wired box. Nowadays, mobile designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also empower businesses to achieve their business goals digitally.
In 2019, there are some significant infrastructure changes like 5G ramping up, which will make the User Experience (UX) more seamless in terms of network speed and connectivity. Also, hardware changes like curved screens across mobile and televisions will bring some interesting examples of UI for the future. In 2017-2018 we already saw iPhone’s notch design being mimicked by brands like OnePlus, Vivo, Oppo, and the Android family. Designing for a mobile-first approach is not only essential but mandatory now as 85% of users surf the internet from mobile. All these sets of challenges are now massive opportunities for App designers to experiment with their designing approach and get on the bandwagon for the design guidelines of 2019. Below are the UI trendsetters of 2019 :
1. Illustrations and Vectors
In 2018, the most popular theme on ThemeForest was: Foton – A Multi-concept Software and App Landing Theme. It’s full of animations and beautiful vectors. Clean and minimal illustrations are gaining popularity as they deliver art, convey the message and fill up white spaces like a charm. Digital, hand-drawn, gradient, and free form illustrations could be seen in most of the landing pages of 2018 and are to only grow further in 2019. Experimenting with the artwork with your brand guidelines will make it more symmetrical pleasing.
Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop.
Devices: WACOM, Bamboo, Clintik, iPad Pro
2. 3D Graphics
Instagram and Snapchat camera filters have made rendering 3d objects on camera a play for users. The market is also demanding the same in 2d screens which make the overall user experience more immersive. Though 3d elements rending for each platform might be cumbersome and increase the load time, businesses have started to experiment the same on web applications. Faux 3D is one such example that lets you place objects in 3d on the web.
3. Augmented Reality User Interface
Augmented Reality is a technology to superimpose digital objects in the real world. The digital objects can be of any form of media like images, text, video, or a 3d model. The first massive glimpse of the AR technology was executed by the Pokemon Go game in 2016 which took users to the outdoors to catch virtual Pokemon (3d objects). It took the world to the storm. AR has various use cases in sectors like Automobile, Retail, Advertising, Education, and Manufacturing. Designing UI for AR will be an essential skill in the coming year. 2019 is critical for AR because Apple is planning to launch an AR device this fall that integrates its existing AR SDK the ARKit. Google also has developed ARCore which is a fantastic SDK to start experiencing AR experiences for Android.
4. Virtual Reality Interfaces
Companies like Facebook have massively invested in VR under the name Oculus. Virtual Reality provides a whole new reality experience in a head-mounted device with virtually imposing 3d objects in the field of view. Various applications like gaming, socializing and entertainment are already available. Facebook spaces are one such example of virtually hanging out with your Facebook friends in VR. Imagine you and your colleagues having a meeting under the Eiffel tower on one beautiful afternoon. The UI of VR is touchless and requires hand gestures through haptics and Bluetooth remotes.
5. Design System and Guidelines
Material and Human Interface Guidelines for Android and iOS respectively are the bible for app designers. Both of the guidelines provide an ample amount of resources, documentation, and component libraries like headers, cards, buttons, etc which can easily be integrated with the application. A centralized design system makes the web and mobile ecosystem more beautiful, consistent, and elegant, in 2019, we will see more companies adapting to the design guidelines irrespective of the location and language. The design is a universal language to communicate.
6. Speak it Loud
Hey Siri!
Ok, Google!
Hey Cortana!
Yes, we have started to speak with machines, and they responding to our queries is just the initiation of voice computing. However, where is the UI in this? To create voice applications, designers will have to think about UI out of the box. When we say out of the box, we mean out of the box-shaped smartphone. Standalone devices, as well as applications, are seeing a massive surge in voice search and browsing. To create a fantastic experience for voice, designers need to understand the user needs, behaviors, and habits of the user, which can be reduced via voice.
7. Time to go Local
Localization of mobile applications, not only in terms of content but optimizing the design will also play an essential role in 2019. As businesses are targeting the next billion users, each geographical location has its UI metaphors, colors, and iconography. Apps like Facebook, Paytm in India, and Google Pay are examples that have provided more than 20 languages to their users. Going vernacular will help you reach the next billion internet users, most importantly in their own language.
Way Forward
Mobile App Market is growing 13.6% YOY with an average revenue user (ARPU) to be US$2.71. More than 35% of users are age 25-34 years old with 23.1% of 18-24 leading the way forward. Millennials are taking it over in terms of digital users, and it’s essential to being design-centric to their behaviors, tastes, and preferences. This generation is a massive technology adopter and always looks for better ways to save money and time.
It all has started with applications of mobile phones but is assured to grow beyond to broad range of hardware like wearables, smartwatches, virtual reality headsets, home IoT, and voice assistants. If you liked this article, we are sure you’ll be excited to read the 10 Mobile App Development Trends to Watch Out in 2019 by AppZoro.
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