Get Sound

Get Sound is a forward-thinking platform dedicated to making high-quality audio editing accessible to artists and content creators worldwide.


Animal Health and Care





The Get Sound® Mobile Animal Telehealth Solution revolutionizes equine and livestock management by providing a preemptive and proactive assessment of the musculoskeletal status of horses. With the primary objective of identifying problems at or before their onset, the app securely stores all required records on a cloud platform, enabling cost-effective management and easy access to vital information. Get Sound connects horse and livestock owners with veterinarians, farriers, production managers, field representatives, and other non-vet professionals through innovative image and video evaluation tools. Assessments can be performed instantly, without restrictions imposed by time, distance, or money.

Call for a Change

In the equine and livestock industry, early detection of health issues is critical for preventing minor problems from escalating into major concerns. Traditional methods of assessment often involve significant time, travel, and financial costs. Get Sound recognized the need for a more efficient, accessible, and cost-effective solution to monitor the health of animals, leading to the development of their innovative mobile telehealth solution.


Mission Overview

The mission of Get Sound is to enhance the health management of horses and livestock by providing real-time, remote access to professional assessments. The app aims to empower animal owners with the digital tools needed to proactively manage their animals' health and performance without the necessity of frequent veterinary appointments. By offering direct guidance from veterinarians through video reviews and professional commentaries, Get Sound ensures timely interventions and continuous health monitoring. The app also supports veterinarians by providing them with global access to equine specialists and enabling extraordinary telemedicine practices.


Challenges Encountered

Technology Adoption: Encouraging veterinarians, farriers, and other professionals to adopt and trust a new technology was a significant challenge. Ensuring user-friendly interfaces and demonstrating the effectiveness of remote assessments were key to overcoming this barrier. Data Security: Safeguarding sensitive health data in the cloud required robust security measures to ensure compliance with industry standards and build user trust. Connectivity Issues: Reliable internet access in rural and remote areas posed challenges for consistent app usage. Developing solutions to mitigate connectivity issues was essential for widespread adoption.

Project Strategy

The development of the Get Sound followed a strategic approach:

Research and Analysis

During the requirements phase, Get Sound focused on understanding the specific needs of horse and livestock owners, as well as the professionals who support them. The core concept of providing real-time, remote assessments was defined, and extensive market research was conducted to identify customer pain points and industry trends. Ensuring compliance with data privacy laws and industry regulations was also a priority.

Prototyping and Iteration

In the design phase, the Get Sound team concentrated on creating an intuitive mobile app interface that facilitated easy image and video capture for assessments. Backend systems were designed to securely store and process health data, ensuring seamless integration with cloud storage solutions. Visual branding efforts emphasized a professional and trustworthy identity, appealing to both animal owners and healthcare professionals.


The development phase involved building and testing the Get Sound app for iOS and Android platforms. The team focused on ensuring the app's stability and responsiveness, capable of handling high-quality image and video data. Robust backend infrastructure was implemented to support secure data storage and processing, with stringent security protocols to protect user information.


Comprehensive functionality testing ensured the app's ability to accurately capture and process assessment data. User experience testing involved gathering feedback from veterinarians, farriers, and animal owners to refine the app's interface and features. This iterative process of testing and feedback collection was crucial in optimizing the app for real-world use.


The deployment phase saw the strategic launch of the Get Sound app, supported by targeted marketing campaigns aimed at equine and livestock communities. Collaborations with industry influencers and professional organizations helped generate initial traction and user adoption. Continuous monitoring of app performance and user feedback post-launch enabled ongoing improvements and feature enhancements.

Technology Stack

- Frontend: Get Sound's frontend is built using React.js, offering a responsive and intuitive user interface that simplifies navigation and enhances user experience. - Backend: Powered by Node.js and Express.js, our backend infrastructure provides the scalability and robustness needed to handle intensive audio processing tasks efficiently. - Audio Processing: We leverage advanced audio processing libraries and APIs to deliver a wide range of professional-grade effects and enhancements. This ensures that artists can achieve studio-quality sound without complex equipment. - Cloud Infrastructure: Get Sound is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), offering secure and reliable cloud infrastructure. This setup allows us to store and process users' audio projects safely while ensuring scalability to accommodate growing user demands. In conclusion, Get Sound represents a significant advancement in the world of audio technology, empowering artists of all levels to create exceptional soundscapes with ease. By focusing on accessibility, innovation, and user-centric design, Get Sound continues to redefine the possibilities of audio editing, making professional-quality tools accessible to anyone passionate about producing high-quality audio content.

Technologies Stack We Use

Our bespoke software development company is composed of professional IT experts with demanding knowledge and experience in:

  • XD Illustrator
    XD Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Photoshop
  • Swift
  • JAVA
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • WordPress
  • MySQL
  • GitHub

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