Open on Sunday

Open on Sunday is a transformative scheduling platform designed to improve accessibility to services traditionally limited by weekday schedules.

Open on Sunday


Media and entertainment





Open On Sunday is an innovative online platform that provides a quick, simple, and secure way for users to transform their artistic work into personal currency—cash when they need it. Designed to cater to entertainment IP asset owners, Open On Sunday allows members to monetize their holdings effectively. The platform aims to offer a seamless experience by integrating user interfaces with backend functions, making it easy for users to provide critical information and receive value for their assets.

The Call for Change

In the entertainment industry, many IP asset owners struggle to find efficient ways to monetize their work. Traditional methods often involve complex processes and lengthy timeframes, making it difficult for artists and creators to access the funds they need promptly. Open On Sunday recognized the need for a solution that simplifies and accelerates the monetization process. The goal was to create an online platform that provides a straightforward and secure way for users to convert their artistic work into cash quickly, meeting their financial needs without unnecessary delays.


Mission Overview

Our mission at Open On Sunday is to empower entertainment IP asset owners by providing a quick, simple, and secure platform to transform their artistic work into personal currency. We strive to simplify the monetization process, offering users a seamless experience that integrates user-friendly interfaces with robust backend functions. By addressing the financial challenges faced by artists and creators, we aim to provide a reliable solution that enables them to access the value of their assets promptly and efficiently, thereby supporting their creative endeavors and financial stability.


Challenges Encountered

Throughout its development journey, Open on Sunday has encountered several key challenges: User Data Management: Effectively capturing, organizing, and managing customer data to facilitate seamless transactions was a primary challenge. Integration with Third-Party Services: Ensuring a smooth and secure link to third-party service providers for processing transactions required careful planning and implementation. User Experience: Designing an intuitive and user-friendly interface that made it easy for users to navigate and complete transactions was crucial for the platform’s success. Security: Protecting user data and ensuring secure transactions were paramount concerns throughout the development process.

Project Strategy

The development of the open on sunday followed a strategic approach:

Requirements Phase

The project began with a thorough requirements gathering phase. Mr. Elliot, the founder of Open On Sunday, provided a clear vision and detailed ideas for the platform. Meetings were held to understand the specific needs and functionalities required, such as user data management, transaction initiation, and third-party service integration. The requirements phase also included researching regulatory compliance and data security standards to ensure the platform met all necessary guidelines.

Design Phase

In the design phase, the focus was on creating a sleek and intuitive user interface that facilitated easy data entry and transaction initiation. The design team worked on crafting a visually appealing interface that reflected the platform’s goal of simplifying the monetization process. Visual branding efforts emphasized a modern and professional look, aligning with the target market of entertainment IP asset owners. Features such as data capture, transaction initiation, and seamless third-party service integration were designed and prototyped.

Development Phase

During the development phase, the Open On Sunday platform was built with a robust backend system to support user data management and transaction processing. The development team implemented secure and scalable infrastructure to handle high volumes of data and transactions. Key features such as user registration, data capture, and third-party service integration were developed and tested. The platform’s architecture was designed to ensure reliability and security, providing users with a seamless and trustworthy experience.

Testing Phase

Extensive testing was conducted to ensure the platform’s functionality and reliability. Functionality testing verified that all features worked as intended, while user experience testing gathered feedback from beta testers to refine the platform’s interface and usability. Security testing was also performed to ensure the protection of user data and compliance with privacy regulations. This iterative process of testing and feedback collection helped in optimizing the platform for launch.

Deployment Phase

The deployment phase involved the strategic launch of the Open On Sunday platform. The launch was supported by marketing campaigns aimed at attracting entertainment IP asset owners. Continuous monitoring of platform performance and user feedback post-launch enabled ongoing improvements and feature enhancements, ensuring that the platform remained competitive and met user expectations.

Technologies Stack We Use

Our bespoke software development company is composed of professional IT experts with demanding knowledge and experience in:

  • XD Illustrator
    XD Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe Photoshop
  • WordPress
  • SQL Server
    SQL Server
  • GitHub

What Our Clients Have to Say!


"Their timeliness in getting back to me was outstanding. In general, the team had a detailed understanding of the project."

Elliot Hayes - Founder Open on Sunday


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